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Policy Study: The European Basic Income

Dominic Afscharian / Lukáš Siegel / Marius S. Ostrowski / Viktoriia Muliavka (Verf. )
Foundation for European Progressive Studies / Karl-Renner-Institut (Hg.)
Brüssel: 2021
82 Seiten

The European Basic Income: Delivering on Social Europe

This Policy Study was written in the framework of the FEPS YAN (Cycle 7) by the Working Group on the European Basic Income (members: Dominic Afscharian, Lukáš Siegel, Marius S. Ostrowski, Viktoriia Muliavka).

The Young Academics Network is a cooperation between the Karl-Renner-Institut and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies. It gathers promising progressive PhD candidates and young PhD researchers ready to use their academic experience in a debate about the Next, Progressive Europe.


Across the political spectrum, there is widespread agreement that the European Union (EU) needs a palpable social dimension. In this FEPS YAN policy study, the authors provide a research-driven policy proposal on how this social dimension can be achieved in the light of the diversity of national welfare systems in the EU.

They argue that a Universal Basic Income (UBI) could be a conceptually appealing policy to be implemented at EU level, complementing national welfare states. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the policy is receiving unprecedented and ever-increasing attention, and enjoys widespread public popularity, but is viewed with scepticism by major political parties.

This paper is a unified source of information for progressive policymakers, advocates, consultants, and researchers who are interested in (a) how a European UBI could be concretely designed and (b) the reasoning and justifications behind its concrete design decisions. In order to formulate a policy proposal that could potentially foster cross- partisan compromises and move public policy preferences and political reality closer together, the authors conducted a comprehensive review of historical and contemporary UBI debates, gathered the key arguments presented in academic, popular, political, and organisational sources, and reflected on them from logical, normative, and empirical perspectives.

Based on the most plausible arguments for and against a UBI, they designed a concrete policy proposal for a UBI at the EU level that responds to broadly progressive ideals from different partisan backgrounds. The result is an ambitious yet feasible proposal that bridges political divides and, if implemented, would be the most substantial leap for Social Europe yet.