In December 2019, we had another possibility to present our initiative Young Generations for the Balkans - Vision 2030 by visiting European Union institutions in Brussels. We had two days of fruitful meetings at the European Parliament and the European Commission, exchanging views on areas ranging from the state of democratic freedom in the region to education policies and student performance in the Western Balkans Six. Furthermore, we presented a policy paper that has been developed as a result of this initiative, which, over the last two years, has grown to include 25 members coming from all six EU-aspirant countries plus Croatia.
Our meetings in Brussels proved the EU Parliament’s and the European Commission’s steadfast commitment to the European integration of the Western Balkans, despite the recent setback in this process in October 2019, when the decision to open the long awaited accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania was blocked by France, the Netherlands and Denmark.
Young Generations for the New Balkans 2030: Report Brussels, December 2019.
Austrian Institute for International Affairs/ International Institute for Peace/ Karl-Renner-Institut
Wien: 2019.