173 Beiträge
Beyond Basic Income: Overcoming the Crisis of Social Democracy? - Basic Income Working Group
Across Europe, a crisis of social democracy prevails. Deindustrialisation precipitates a breakdown of the communities, institutions and interests that held the social democratic and labour movements together. A collapse in everyday life passes over into a steady decline in the electoral realm.
Politik aktuell 2016/2 - Italien: Renzis verlorene Schlacht. Zum Inhalt und Ausgang des Verfassungsreferendums
Die italienischen Wähler:innen haben die von Regierungschef Renzi vorgeschlagene Verfassungsreform eindeutig abgelehnt. Der Text analysiert die Inhalte des verworfenen Reformvorhabens, die Ergebnisse und die Gründe für das Scheitern.
Politik aktuell 2016/1 - The end of the world as we know it? Was ein Präsident Trump für die Welt bedeuten kann
Die Wahl von Donald Trump wirft viele Fragezeichen auf. Der Text fasst die bekannten außenpolitischen Absichten des zukünftigen US-Präsidenten zusammen und analysiert die Herausforderungen für unterschiedliche Weltregionen.
The Right to Live, Learn and Work in Europe: Migration Policy as an Opportunity for Civic Inclusion
This paper suggests that European migration policy needs to be reconsidered to reflect the opportunities that work and education present for the civic inclusion of migrants. Traditionally, the left has led the way in finding progressive solutions to the political issues arising as a result of migratory movements.
Promoting Labour Rights and Social Protection in Post-Crisis Europe
European labour markets currently fail millions for whom they cannot provide work, and millions more who must face job insecurity, underemployment, stagnant wages or poverty pay.
Capital and Labour in the post-crisis European Context: Distributional, Institutional and Political Considerations
Declining or stagnant wages, the attitude of the European Commission and beneficial tax systems for capital lead on several levels to a weakening position not only of middle and lower class interests but also their institutionalized representatives, i.e. trade unions and progressive parties.
Why the Left needs Europolitics
This paper starts from the observation of a structural trend of depoliticisation that cuts across all levels of governance within the European multi-level polity.
Are e-learning Platforms a Promising Way forward for Social Cohesion in Europe?
The aim of this paper is to examine the correlation between e-learning platforms and social cohesion in Europe, where social cohesion is understood as “the ability of a society to ensure the welfare of all its members, minimizing disparities and avoiding polarization” (Council of Europe, 2004).
Renewable Democracy: Towards full Participation through Representation and Deliberation
In this paper, we argue that the local level of social participation in politics (in a broad sense) is a crucially important element for those projects that aim to renew democracies and how democracies work in the 21st century.
What Impact have Post-crisis Public Policies had on Gender Equality in EU Member States?
Gender equality is a key tenet of the progressive agenda in Europe. Developing and adopting policies aimed at reducing the gaps between men and women is not just a good in of itself, but also for the future economic and social development of our societies.